firefighters rescue

美 [ˈfaɪərˌfaɪtərz ˈreskjuː]英 [ˈfaɪəˌfaɪtəz ˈreskjuː]
  • 消防员营救
firefighters rescuefirefighters rescue
  1. Chinese scientists and engineers are designing drones to help firefighters rescue trapped people , especially in high-rise building fires .


  2. Firefighters and other rescue workers suffering health problems continue to blame the EPA for failing to make them aware of the risks .


  3. In the network , Robots act as the network reference node , the robots can not only cover fire information , but also can they help firefighters search and rescue work .


  4. Police , firefighters and marine rescue teams were rushed to the spot minutes after the blast but took almost half an hour to bring the rampant fire under control .


  5. More than 200 firefighters responded to the rescue of the people that were trapped inside .


  6. Hundreds of police and firefighters intent on their rescue mission lost their lives as Two W.T.C.collapsed .


  7. Well , 400 firefighters came to the rescue . And it 's a good thing , too , because the edifice was saved .


  8. Firefighters put their " rescue " bill at1,600 euros ( 1,095 pounds ) . Police are still counting , he added .
